Memory from a Residency: First week in Ii


From October 4th to December 17th I'be been a artist-in-residence at KulttuuriKauppila Art Centre in Ii, Finland.


During my first week in Ii I met Helena Kaikkonen and Antti Ylönen, local artists that has a studio in the KK, with their respective husband and wife. I met also Heidi from the culture office of Ii. Every one of them have been very gentle and I have the feeling that I’ll spend a very pleasant time during the rest of my residency. In these firsts days I’ve already seen some exhibitions in Oulu, but my favourite one was a photography exhibition by Ikka Yolonen called “The End”, by “This exhibition was life and dying. It is the story of how even a passionate desire for life cannot save one from surrender and the obligation to face the death” (I.Y.). Watching those pictures both me and Helena, who was with me, went deeply touched (even if we didn’t say anything to each other).

Below there are some pictures of me in Ii and on my huge studio in KulttuuriKapuppila, you see also my first painting wich is not finished yet.


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